BBQ dinner....we won 2 tickets
And we were very happyyyyyyyy
But we couldn't use them because we are not Taiwanese.
So we tried to sell them. But it was too late:-)
So, anybody interested in 2 tickets to Bangkok or Macao or Hong Kong...they are 來回票!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Za tuhle super veceri jsme vyhrali 2 zpatecni letenky do Bangkoku, Hong Kongu nebo Macaa. Akorat jsme je nemohli pouzit, protoze nevypadame taiwansky. A ani prodat nesly, protoze nam jaksi zapomneli rict, ze ty dve poukazky musime vymenit za listky do konce prosince. Takze si s nima asi vytapetujeme zachod:-)
And we were very happyyyyyyyy
But we couldn't use them because we are not Taiwanese.
So we tried to sell them. But it was too late:-)
So, anybody interested in 2 tickets to Bangkok or Macao or Hong Kong...they are 來回票!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Za tuhle super veceri jsme vyhrali 2 zpatecni letenky do Bangkoku, Hong Kongu nebo Macaa. Akorat jsme je nemohli pouzit, protoze nevypadame taiwansky. A ani prodat nesly, protoze nam jaksi zapomneli rict, ze ty dve poukazky musime vymenit za listky do konce prosince. Takze si s nima asi vytapetujeme zachod:-)
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