Sunday, November 19, 2006

Vychazka pres most 3 nesmrtelnych...
Jo a ty ryby taky nevim jak se jmenujou...

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stopujeme po vychodnim pobrezi.....
hitchhiking on the east coast
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Green Island
Green Island is 17 km far from Taiwan. I had wanted to go there before but didn't have time. So, we finally got to 綠島 during the only holiday they have except Chinese New Year. And we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and also tried some snorcheling. Just the salty hot springs didn't have any water when we got there.

Zeleny ostrov se nachazi 17 km od vychodniho pobrezi Taiwanu. Chtela jsem tam jet uz dlouho, ale nikdy nebyl cas. Tak jsme se tam konecne podivali o podzimnich prazdninach, coz je pro taiwance jedine volno krome cinskeho noveho roku...Celych 5 dni i s vikendem...Tak se pokochejte aspon fotkama, protoze v Cechach uz tou dobou bylo asi 10 stupnu...
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Zeleny Mojzis....after taking a ferry to the Green Island Moises didn't feel ok...But he got much better when he saw the island.

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Sleeping beauty..

a dog Posted by Picasa
Vosklivy to tam maj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How ugly is the sea.........

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Super BBQ a Taiwanske pivo

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We finally discovered the light house...It took us some time but it was absolutely worth it!

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Tak neco takoveho ze me vypadlo, kdyz jsem nasla nas pokoj v tomhle stavu...Proste v Paname kluci maji radi ruzne zertiky...Po navratu ze Zeleneho ostrova...

Gracias...hijos de .....:-)
Our beautiful room when we got back from the Green Island..thanks to some lovely panamenians... Posted by Picasa
Oranzovaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa romantika Posted by Picasa